Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that usually starts between the toes. It commonly happens in people whose feet have become extremely sweaty while confined within tight fitting shoes. Signs and symptoms of athlete’s foot include a scaly rash that usually causes itching, stinging and burning. Athlete’s foot is contagious and can spread via contaminated…


Atherosclerosis is the narrowing of arteries due to plaque buildup on the artery walls. These arteries carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body. They’re lined with a thin layer of cells that keeps them smooth and allows blood to flow easily. This is called the endothelium. Furthermore, atherosclerosis starts when the…


Asthma is a chronic disease that affects your airways. Your airways are tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs. If you’re asthmatic, the inside walls of your airways become sore and swollen. That makes them very sensitive, and they may react strongly to things that you’re allergic to or find irritating. When…


Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints. It can affect one joint or multiple joints. There are more than 100 different types of arthritis, with different causes and treatment methods. The symptoms of arthritis usually develop overtime, but they may also appear so suddenly. Arthritis is most commonly seen in adults over the age of…


Arteriosclerosis happens when the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients from your heart to the rest of your body (namely the arteries) become thick and stiff — oftentimes restricting blood flow to your organs and tissues. Healthy arteries are flexible and elastic, but over time, the walls in your arteries can harden, a condition…


Anxiety disorders reflect disorders that share a general feature of excessive fear (for example, emotional response to perceived or real threat) and/or anxiety (i.e. anticipating future threats) and demonstrate behavioral and functional disturbances as a result. Furthermore, panic attacks are a feature that can happen in the context of a lot of anxiety disorders and…


Angina isn’t a disease in its own right, but it’s a probable symptom of coronary artery disease. It’s a tightness, pain or discomfort in the chest that happens when an area of the heart muscle receives less blood oxygen than usual. It’s not a life-threatening condition to say the least when it’s experienced on its…


Anemia happens when there’s a lowered number of circulating red blood cells in the body. It’s the most common blood disorder in the overall population. Symptoms can include headaches, chest pains and pale skin. The most common symptom of all types of anemia is a feeling of fatigue and a lack of energy. Other symptoms…

Amenorrhea / Menstrual Disorders

Amenorrhea refers to the absence of a woman’s menstrual period while she’s in her reproductive years. In addition, amenorrhea can be both healthy and natural. During pregnancy, menstruation stops. It also ceases for many women while they’re breastfeeding. Around the age of 50 years, periods stop altogether. However, it can also indicate a health problem.…

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is progressive disease that destroys memory and other vital functions. At first, someone with Alzheimer’s disease may notice mild confusion and difficulty in remembering. Eventually, people with the disease may even forget important people in their lives and undergo dramatic personality changes. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia — a…