Parkinson’s disease is an illness that affects the part of your brain that controls how you move your entire body. It can come on so slowly that you don’t even notice the signs at first. However, overtime, what starts as a little shakiness in your head can have an impact on how you walk, talk,…

Parasitic Disease

Parasites are living things that use other living things — such as your body — for food and a place for them to live. You can get them from contaminated food or water, a bug bite, or sexual contact. Some parasitic diseases are easily treated, however; there are others that are a challenge to treat.…

Parasites (Body)

Parasites are organisms that lives in another organism, called the host, and often harms it. It depends on its host for survival. Without a host, a parasite can’t live, grow and multiply. For this reason, it rarely kills the host; however, it can spread diseases, and some of these can be fatal. Parasites, unlike predators,…

Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are known to be sudden periods for intense fear that may include: palpitations sweating shaking shortness of breath numbness a feeling of something bad will happen The maximum degree of symptoms happen within minutes. Usually, they last for about 30 minutes but the duration can vary from seconds to hours. There may be…

Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic Cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancerous) cells form in the tissues of the pancreas. The pancreas is a gland located behind the stomach and in front of the spine. The pancreas produces digestive juices and hormones that can help regulate blood sugar. Cells called exocrine pancreas cells can help produce the hormones.…

Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress is basically the imbalance between the production of free radicals and the ability of the body to counteract or detoxify their harmful effects through the neutralization by antioxidants.

Osteoporosis / Brittle Bones (Osteoporosis)

Osteoporosis is a condition known as a decrease in bone density, decreasing its strength and resulting in fragile bones. Osteoporosis literally leads to abnormally porous bone that’s compressible, such as a sponge. This disorder of the skeleton can help weaken the bone and result in frequent fractures (breaks) to happen in the bones. Osteopenia, by…


Osteoarthritis is by far one of the most common forms of arthritis out there, and the percentage of people who have it grows higher as people age. Although osteoarthritis becomes more common with age, younger people can start to develop it, usually as the result of a joint injury, a joint malformation, or a genetic…


Obesity is a condition where a person has accumulated so much body fat that it may have a negative effect on their health. If a person’s bodyweight is at least 20% higher than it should be, they’re considered obese. If your Body Mass Index (BMI) is between 25 and 29.9 you’re considered overweight. If your…

Neurotic Disorders

Neurosis refers to a class of functional mental disorder which involves distress but neither delusions nor hallucinations, where behavior is not outside socially acceptable norms. It’s also known as psychoneurosis or neurotic disorder.