Detox Central, Detoxification, Living a healthy life with Detox

Music Therapy

What kind of music do you love listening to? Do you like the modern beats of today or the more classical themes of yesterday? Music is more than self-expression, for the majority who cannot create their own, it’s satisfying for them to just lie down and relax, find peace, and rebound from life’s challenges. What…

5 Natural Therapies For Treating Kidney Stones

The kidneys are cute, bean-shaped organs which perform a wide array of body functions. These include regulating blood pressure, distributing minerals throughout the body, managing red blood cells, releasing essential hormones and regulating acid-alkaline levels. If the kidneys are not functioning well, they could lead to the development of kidney stones (and other life-threatening infections).…

Ginger, the Goddess of Detox!

Who would think that this pungent Asian ingredient is the “goddess of detoxification”? Of course, no one has ever expected it. For thousands of years, this natural anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant food has been  used by numerous herbalists around the globe for stomach problems. It somehow became the chief source, not just for digestive upsets, but…

Fruits and Vegetables to Cure Allergies

Allergies can be very annoying to many people. Symptoms like runny nose, itching or teary eyes and sneezing can be irritating. If you would not want your loved ones affected then you would consider isolation rather than having them infected. The cure for many is usually medications, though natural therapy would claim otherwise. Natural healing…

Mediterranean Diet

One of the foundations of modern cuisine came from the Mediterranean region. As the modern world we know today originated from the said region, their simplistic diet is now playing a huge role all over the world. Especially in a society that is becoming exposed and obsessed with processed and synthetic food, going back to…

Salad as a Natural Detox Food

The human body is capable of cleansing itself but there are certain foods that can speed up the process of eliminating dietary and environmental toxins from the body. Indeed, there are several detoxification processes that help flush harmful substances out of the body. One of these is to make use of natural therapies.  By this,…

Astounding Health Benefits of Water

Water is life. We were taught in school that man can survive, for days, without food but not without water. We use it everyday for drinking and washing our bodies to keep us comfortable and healthy.  As much as humans need water, so is our environment. Plants need to be watered so they can grow…