
Flaxseeds/Flax – Prostate Cancer Consuming flaxseed may help lower your risk of prostate cancer. Flax has roots dating back to ancient Egypt and Chine, making it one of the oldest fiber crops to be recorded. Flaxseeds are a rich source of nutrients, like manganese, vitamin B-1 and omega-3 fatty acids. Although there’s still a need…


Flavonoids – Inflammation   It’s essential that you eat food that’s rich in flavonoids. Flavonoids are potent antioxidants and are useful for the reduction of inflammation reduction). Some foods rich in flavonoids include spinach and blueberries. Furthermore, strawberries contain trace amounts and the quercetin found in onions is good for inflammation as well.

Fermented Foods

Fermented Foods – Probiotics   Fermented foods are known to contain a rich amount of probiotics. Eating fermented foods and even drinking fermented drinks will introduce beneficial bacteria to your digestive system. It will also help the balance of bacteria in your digestive system. Furthermore, probiotics have been shown to help slow or reverse some…


Fenugreek – Anemia Fenugreek is one of those herbs known to contain high amounts of iron that helps to maintain proper iron levels in the blood. This can also help in the production of new red blood cells to cure this certain problem completely and also prevents its recurrence. You can use both the leaves…

Fennel Seed Oil

Fennel Seed Oil – Properties and Uses   Fennel seed oil is warming and carminative in nature. Carminative is an aromatic in which it tends to expel wind from the alimentary canal, or to relieve colic, gripping or flatulence). In addition, fennel seed oil is also an antispasmodic and an antidepressant. It also helps promote…

Essiac Therapy/Essiac Tea

Essiac Therapy/Essiac Tea – Cancer Essiac tea became a popular beverage in Canada and in the U.S. as well. This herbal tea formula was used by a Canadian nurse to help cure many different kinds of cancer. There are a couple of different formulas that are now on the market with different kinds of names.…


Eucalyptus – Receding Gums WholeHealthMD cites eucalyptus as an anti-inflammatory substance great for fighting off gum disease. This could be due to its germ-fighting abilities; it kills the bacteria that parties inside your mouth when gum recession happens. www.curetoothdecay.com recommends that you try the following two ingredients to create a mouthwash, for warding off gum…

Enzyme Therapy

Enzyme Therapy/Systemic Enzymes, Systemic Proteolytic Enzymes – Cancer Some of the known side effects of chemotherapy include: Vomiting Diarrhea Fatigue Pain Nausea Enzyme therapy has been proven to have positive results when it comes to limiting these symptoms by lowering the cytotoxic (poisonous) effects that chemotherapy has on the body. Enzyme therapy has been shown…

Copaiba Essential Oil

Copaiba Essential Oil – Ability to Reduce Pain, Eliminate Inflammation, Protect Against Infection, Heal The Skin, Prevent Fungal Growth, Boost Respiratory Health, Improve the Health of the Skin and Hair In terms of skin health, copaiba essential oil, which is derived from its astringent property, is the most notable oil available that helps promote proper…