Headaches & Nausea

Remedies: Juice Fast Stick with juice fasting as much as you can; however, if you feel the need to eat, eat juicy fruits with high water content such as: Melon Tomatoes Grapes Plums Peaches Hydration Make sure you’re hydrated by drinking water each time you feel thirsty. Adding a little salt to your glass of…

Eye Stye

Gently put a hot compress on the eye, making it as hot as you can handle. Continue with this until the water temperature in the container you used cools down. The ideal repetition is every hour, for about 4 to 5 times. The heat will help in healing by letting the blood circulate on that…


Wrinkles are creases, folds or ridges in the skin. Normally, they will appear as people start to get older, but they can also develop after spending so much time in water. The first wrinkles to appear on a person’s face then to appear as a result of facial expressions. Sun damage, smoking, dehydration, some medications…


Wounds are injuries that break the skin or other body tissues. They can include cut, scrapes, scratches and punctured skin. They can sometimes happen because of an accident; however, surgery, sutures and stitches can also cause wounds. Minor wounds usually aren’t serious; however, it’s important to clean them. On the other hand, serious and infected…

Weight Loss

While there are endless diets, supplements and meal replacement plans who claim to ensure fast weight loss, most lack scientific evidence to back it up. However, there are some methods and strategies backed by science that do have an impact on weight management. These strategies include exercising, keeping track of calorie intake, intermittent fasting and…


A wart is a small growth with a rough texture that can appear almost anywhere on the human body. It can resemble a solid blister or a small cauliflower. Warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) family, and not coming in contact with frogs as some people believe. Furthermore, the appearance of such depends…

Viral Infections

Viruses are known to be tiny germs. They’re made of genetic material inside of a protein coating. Viruses cause familiar infectious diseases such as the common cold, flu and warts. Sometimes, they can also cause serious illnesses such as HIV/AIDS, smallpox and Ebola. Viruses are also just like hijackers. They invade living, normal cells and…


Vertigo is defined as the sensation of spinning dizziness. It’s not, as a lot of people maintain, a fear of heights. It’s often associated with looking down from a great height but can also refer to any temporary or ongoing spells of dizziness caused by problems in either the inner ear or brain.