Cancer is a class of disease characterized by out-of control cell growth. There are over 100 different types of cancer, and each is classified by the type of cell that’s initially affected.
Cancer can harm the body when the altered cells divide uncontrollably to form lumps or masses of tissue known as tumors (except in the case of leukemia where cancer prohibits normal blood function by abnormal cell division in the blood stream).
Tumors can grow and interfere with the digestive, nervous and circulatory systems, and they can expel hormones that alter body function. Tumors that stay in a single spot is considered to be benign.
More dangerous, or malignant, tumors form when two things happen, which is:
- a cancerous cell manages to move throughout the body using the blood or lymphatic systems, destroying healthy tissue in a process known as invasion
- that cell manages to divide and grow, making new blood vessels to feed itself in a process called angiogenesis.
When tumors spread successfully to other parts of the body and grows, invading and destroying other healthy tissues, it’s said to have metastasized. This process itself is called metastasis, and the result is a serious condition that’s a challenge to treat.
According to the American Cancer Society, Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the US and accounts for nearly 1 of every 4 deaths. The WHO (World Health Organization) estimates that, worldwide, there were 14 million new cancer cases and 8.2 million cancer-related deaths in 2012 (according to latest data).
Cruciferous Vegetables:
For the past 30 years, eating a high amount of cruciferous vegetables has been associated with a lower risk of cancer, particularly lung and colon cancer. Recently, studies have suggested that the sulfur-containing compounds (namely sulforaphane) that give cruciferous vegetables their bitter bite are also what give them their cancer-fighting power.
- Sulforaphane is now being studied for its ability to delay or impede cancer with early promising results associated with melanoma, esophageal, prostate and pancreatic cancers. Researchers have found that the sulforaphane compound can inhibit the enzyme histone deacetylase (HDAC), known to be involved in the progression of cancer cells. The ability to stop HDAC enzymes could make sulforaphane-containing foods a potentially powerful part of cancer treatment in the future.
- Easily recognized cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, turnips and cabbage as well as the lesser-known arugula, broccolini, daikon, kohlrabi and watercress.
- Arugula also contains chlorophyll, which has shown to be effective at blocking the carcinogenic effects of heterocyclic amines generated when grilling foods at a high temperature.
Hyperthermia and other remedies:
5 Easy Ways To Kill Cancer
Top Mexican cancer clinics are known to specialize in transforming cancer patients into cancer survivors in just a couple of weeks by using natural, non-invasive, alternative treatments. Of all the treatments, there are 5 notable ones that these clinics used for cancer treatment, and they are:
- Hyperthermia (local and whole body heat)
- Sonodynamic Therapy
- Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT)
- Oxygen Treatments
- Virotherapy
Seaweeds are known to contain antioxidants and also lignans (these are naturally occuring chemical compounds inside the body) which are known to have anti-cancer properties.
Intensely aromatic and flavorful, garlic is used in virtually every cuisine around the world. When it’s consumed raw, it has a strong, pungent flavor to match its amazing benefits. In particular, garlic contains certain sulfur compounds, the same compounds believed to be responsible for its scent and taste as well as its positive effects on human beings.
Regular consumption of garlic is not only good for you, but it has also been associated with lowering, or even helping to prevent four of the major causes of death all over the world, including heart disease, stroke, cancer and infections. Furthermore, garlic has gained a reputation for being 4 antis at the same time – it’s anti-candida, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-parasitic.
To make great use of garlic, you can have it with ginger tea. Here’s the procedure you need to remember:
- Peel a clove of garlic
- Slice up a small piece of ginger
- Mince the clove of garlic and finely grate the sliced ginger
- Add 300-400ml of water
- Boil the mixture on low heat for about 10 minutres
- Let it cool for at least 2 minutes
- You can add cinamon or raw honey to taste
Oftentimes, garlic has been used as a supporting remedy in the treatment of cancer as it has proven anti-cancer properties. Not only does it protect you from the formation of tumors, including metastases, it also inhibits the growth of established tumors. Furthermore, it helps strengthen the immune system and helps improve the detoxifying ability of the liver.
Ginger Tea:
To make great use of garlic, you can have it with ginger tea. Here’s the procedure you need to remember, for a drink that will boost your immune system:
- Peel a clove of garlic
- Slice up a small piece of ginger
- Mince the clove of garlic and finely grate the sliced ginger
- Add 300-400ml of water
- Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and let it simmer for about 10 minutres
- Let it cool for at least 2 minutes
- You can add cinamon or raw honey to taste
Drinking a glass of green tea in the morning means that you take advantage of its many benefits, one of which is reducing the risk and protecting you against cancer.
- Wheat Grass
- Grapes
- Breuss-Cure
- Enzyme Supplementation
- Fermented foods high in lactic acid
- Linseed Oil
- Vegetarian diet of largely raw foods
- Macrobiotic Diet
- Beetroot
- Gerson Diet
- Kelly Approacher
- Hydrazine Sulfate
- Shark Cartilage
- Modified Camphor Compound
- Zell Oxygen
- Geranium Essential Oil
- Turmeric
- Vitamin C
- Oxygen Therapy
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Grape Seeds
- Vanilla
- Lemon Myrtle Essential Oil
Other Remedies:
Heat above 103+ ℉ has been reported to severely damage tumors. Experts have discovered that this temperature (which is produced by an infrared heat lamp, and other special equipment used by the Mexican Cancer Clinic) is enough to severly damage cancer cells. This method is known as localized and whole-body hyperthermia.
After cancer cells were damaged, the medical doctor at the clinic used a couple of selected therapies to further exploit different weaknesses proven to exist inside cancer cells.
What do the scientific studies say about heat?
Severe damage to 100% of tumor cells for every patient studied using heat.
Leading European Journal for oncology reports: Severe damage to 100% of tumor cells for each patient studied using heat. One patient after the other was successfully treated without using toxic chemicals.
One of the most simplest methods was used by the Danish doctor Kristine Nolfi. She cured her own cancer with a 100% organic and vegetarian raw-food diet, and then continued to cure cancer patients in the same way on her health farm. She lost her medical license for using “hazardous” and unapproved methods but her fame spread all over Scandanavia nonetheless. In New Zealand, Dr. Eva Hill did much the same thing to cure her own cancer, and to help a lot of her patients.
The Bristol Cancer Help Centre located in England, formerly under the direction of Dr. Alec Forbes, offers a wide-ranging holistic program similar to the Mexican clinics. This includes a vegetarian diet of largely raw foods, supplemented by certain vitamins, minerals, enzymes, ginseng and liver herbs, in addition to colonic cleansing, visualization, biofeedback, relaxation, meditation and spiritual healing.
Essiac (Ojibway Indian Tea) is another famous cancer herb mixture developed about 1922 by the Canadian nurse Rene Caisse. In 1937 the Royal Cancer Commission found that Essiac was effective against cancer and in 1938, it came within 3 viotes of being legalized as a remedy for terminal cacer. Afterward, Rene gained special permission to treat terminal cancer patients; however, she was not allowed to make money off of it. At the time of her death in 1978 the Canadian Ministry of Health & Welfare destroyed her huge collection of documents and patient files on the effectiveness of essiac.
The four ingredients include:
- rhubard root
- burdock root
- slippery elm as blood purifier
- tops of young sheep’s sorrel to help destroy cancer cells
The use of essiac is gradually spreading to other countries, but there’s also a warning that some distributors have substituted yellow dock or curly dock for the essential sheep’s sorrel.
A tea made from leaves and stems or twigs of papaw is another traditional cancer remedy. It was showed to Stan Sheldon on the Queensland Gold Coast in 1962, who cured his fast-spreading tumors in both lungs within two months. This remedy is now widely used all over Queensland. According to an article in New Scientiest, a chemical has been discovered in one kind of papaw, which is one billion times more effective against cancer cells than presently used anti-cancer drugs. An aboriginal cancer remedy is the maroon bush, while the use of mistletoe preparations is based on ancient European folklore and recommendations of Rudolf Steiner.”
“Jethro Kloss was a well-known early American herbalist of the ‘old school’. For cancer treatment, he used mainly red clover blossoms, violet leaves and flowers, the roots of burdrock and yellow dock, goldenseal, echinacea, aloes, argimony, dandelion root – supposedly with good success.
Even more famous and most widely used in a lot of countries, is the Hoxsey herb mixture. It originated about 1925 in the US with thousands of patients attesting to its usefulness in overcoming their cancer. The internal remedy consists of amarga, berberis root, buckthorn bark, burdrock, licorice, pokeroot, prickly ash, red clover, stillingia root and potassium iodide. There were also three external remedies to be painted on any tumors that are visible to help them dry up and eventually fall out. Presently, mainly Herbveil 8 and KC101 (in NZ) and cansema are being used for melanoma and other skin cancers as well as tumors close to the skin, such as breast tumors.
Jason Winters described his own cure from terminal cancer in his book ‘Killing Cancer’. In addition to this diet, he used red clover, chaparral, gotu kola, selenium and some not well-defined roots and spices in his herb mixture, which is not available in most countries.
Various vegetables and/or greens
Studies have continuously confirmed that populations that eat a diet high in leafy green vegetables run a far lower risk of heart disease and also cancer. Fresh raw leafy veggies are known to contain high doses of chlorophyll, easily digested proteins, enxymes and a wide array of vitamins and minerals. These certain veggies act as mini-transfusions for the blood, a health tonic for the brain and immune system cleanser of the kidneys. Try any of the following:
- rocket
- spinach
- dandelion greens
- kale
- watercress
- parsley
- lettuce
- endive
- chicory
- broccoli sprouts
- mustard sprouts
DMSO and Vitamin C
The use of DMSO in medicine dates back years ago. It was predominantly used as a topical anagesic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Nowadays, we know that DMSO can treat a variety of disorders including the following:
- arthritis
- mental illness
- emphysema
- cancer
While this is now considered to be a superb cancer treatment, orthodox medication is not interested in discussing its benefits. If DMSO were to be implemented and used in cancer treatment, the “”true cure rate”” for orthodox medicine would rise from 3% to above 90%! Here’s why.
If orthodox medicine were truly interested in curing cancer, don’t you think they would look for a way to target cancer cells with the intent of killing them while sparing normal cells? Chemotherapy doesn’t target cancer cells, and because of this, chemotherapy:
- kills far more normal cells than cancer cells, and
- damages and toxifies many of the normal cells that survive.
If a “magic bullet” were used FIRST by orthodox medicine, meaning the cut/burn/slash/poison treatments were avoided, a 90% true cure rate would be easy to attain. However, leaders of the medical community have absolutely no interest in finding a “magic bullet”.
A “magic bullet” would cost drug companies hundreds of billions of dollars, patients would be hospitalized less, visit doctors less, etc. The truth of the matter is, no one wants this “magic bullet” to be found. The evidence that this is true is that two of them are already known to exist; however, no one is using them except for a handful of doctors.
This treatment will be taken twice daily
The morning dose will include vitamin C. Remembe to take VERY LITTLE glucose during treatment
The evening treatment will consist of two phases.
In the evening, phase one will be a teaspoon of DMSO, taken either orally or transdermally, or some combination thereof. Phase two of the evening dose should follow phase 1 by 10 minutes and will consist of 5 grams of vitamin C taken orally in water.
The morning dose, which should be taken about 12 hours before the evening dose, should contain 5 grams of vitamin C. 15% or less (or whatever your seller tells you) should be a form of potassium carbonate (or some other potassium version of vitamin C). The other 85% should contain 0 potassium vitamic C and as little sodium vitamin C as possible.
The DMSO used in this protocol should be at least 99% pure DMSO mixed with 30% water. In other words, you should by “70/30” DMSO, which means 70% pure DMSO and 30% water. Some DMSO vendors will sell DMSO gel or DMSO liquid.
The amount of DMSO taken during this treatment is so low that normally it can be taken orally if it’s mixed with 4 ounces of water. However, if for any reason the DMSO can’t be orally consumed, it can be spread all over the skin (such as on the arms, legs or stomach) and taken transdermally, or through the skin.
The DMSO should be placed in a glass of water before taking it orally. The glass of water should have at least 4 ounces of water inside.
1a.) If you’re taking DMSO orally, put 4 ounces of a quality bottled water in a glass. Then place a teaspoon of DMSO in the water. Drink the water (and thus the DMSO).
Due to DMSO causing stomach irritation, you may want to establish the therapeutic doses of DMSO. For instance, you may use the following:
Day 1 – Evening) Use 1/4 TEAspoon of DMSO in 4 ounces of water,
Day 2 – Evening) Use 1/2 TEAspoon of DMSO in 4 ounces of water,
Day 3 – Evening) Use 3/4 TEAspoon of DMSO in 4 ounces of water,
Day 4 – Evening) Use 1 TEAspoon of DMSO in 4 ounces of water,
Day 5 – Evening) Continue using the 1 TEAspoon of DMSO in 4 ounces of water.
1b.) If you’re taking DMSO transdermally (through the skin) place a teaspoon of DMSO on your arms, legs or stomach (as close to the cancer if possible). Spread the DMSO very thin (e.g. over a wide area of the skin). 10 minutes after application on the skin, and after the DMSO has entered the skin (and the skin is dry), you can put skin cream where you rubbed the DMSO and helping prevent a rash.
The eveniung dose, which should be taken 10 minutes before taking the DMSO, should contain 5 grams of vitamin C. 15% or less (or whatever your seller tells you) should be a form of potassium carbonate (or some other potassium version of vitamin C). The other 85% should contain 0 potassiumn vitamic C and as little sodium vitamin C as possible (of course, the vitamin C can be pre-mixed).
Here is one highly recommended potassium C vendor (15% or less of vitamin C should be a form of potassium carbonate):
-Excellent buffered vitamin C product
One rounded teaspoon contains 4 grams of ascorbic acid and 700mg of potassium ascorbate. It also has 0 mg of sodium (which is perfect). The ideal product will have potassium ascorbate without sodium ascorbate, but with other forms of vitamin C.
As with every other vitamin C product, keep this product out of reach of children!
It can be dangerous if high doses are taken.
If you have a type of cancer which could lead to a dangerous situation if swelling and inflammation results from this treatment, SLOWLY establish the dose of vitamin C.
For instance, you may want to use the following (both for morning and evening):
Day 1) Use 1/4 TEAspoon of vitamin C, in 6 ounces of water
Day 2) Use 1/2 TEAspoon of vitamin C, in 6 ounces of water
Day 3) Use 3/4 TEAspoon of vitamin C, in 6 ounces of water
Day 4) Use 1 level TEAspoon of vitamin C, in 6 ounces of water
Day 5) Start the full treatment at full doses
If you experience any potentially dangerous swelling or inflammation during any of the days, STOP WITH THIS TREATMENT.