Fennel Seed Oil

Fennel Seed Oil – Properties and Uses   Fennel seed oil is warming and carminative in nature. Carminative is an aromatic in which it tends to expel wind from the alimentary canal, or to relieve colic, gripping or flatulence). In addition, fennel seed oil is also an antispasmodic and an antidepressant. It also helps promote…

Enzyme Therapy

Enzyme Therapy/Systemic Enzymes, Systemic Proteolytic Enzymes – Cancer Some of the known side effects of chemotherapy include: Vomiting Diarrhea Fatigue Pain Nausea Enzyme therapy has been proven to have positive results when it comes to limiting these symptoms by lowering the cytotoxic (poisonous) effects that chemotherapy has on the body. Enzyme therapy has been shown…

Copaiba Essential Oil

Copaiba Essential Oil – Ability to Reduce Pain, Eliminate Inflammation, Protect Against Infection, Heal The Skin, Prevent Fungal Growth, Boost Respiratory Health, Improve the Health of the Skin and Hair In terms of skin health, copaiba essential oil, which is derived from its astringent property, is the most notable oil available that helps promote proper…


Comfrey – Varicose Veins Comfrey is known to be a potent healing remedy. You can even fuse this with witch hazel (an astringent known to be good for the skin) and you can have a healing formula perfect to use on varicose veins. It’s often recommended that you take some comfrey and chop it before…

Colloidal Silver

Colloidal Silver – Catalytic Oxidation Silver can naturally hold oxygen molecules and it’s known to readily react with the sulfhydral (H) groups that surround bacteria and viruses. It also helps block the life-preserving cellular process. Cellular respiration refers to the set of metabolic reactions and processes that take place in the body’s cells of organisms…


Chocolate – Inflammation Chocolate that’s at least 70% pure cocoa is the right sweet treat for you to munch on. Desserts that are low in fat and heavy in fruits and nuts are also great ways to help keep inflammation at a regular level.


Chlorella – Cancer Prevention, Heavy Metal Detox, Radiation Detox, Immune System Support, Blood Sugar Control, Cholesterol Reduction Chlorella is known to be rich in chlorophyll. Some of the most well-known benefits of consuming chlorophyll include helping ward off cancer, improving liver detoxification, speeding up healing of wounds, helping improve digestion and weight control, and helping…


Cauliflower – Prostate Cancer When it comes to treating prostate cancer, eating a lot of cruciferous vegetables can help deal with the symptoms of prostate cancer. Cauliflower is one of those cruciferous vegetables and, as with the amazing health benefits of turmeric, is a potent remedy against prostate cancer.     Cauliflower – Inflammation Health…