
Bicarb – Gout Gout can be healed or prevented with the help of bicarb. Bicarb helps increase the blood and body fluids pH level which then makes uric acid more soluble, which in turn makes it much quicker to flush out of the kidneys, restoring the natural alkaline balance. The blood is then able to…

Baking Soda

Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) — Gout Baking soda is a common baking ingredient you may have at the comfort of your own homes. However, did you know that it can also be used to treat gout as well? With a couple of other ingredients, here’s what you can do: Take a piece of ginger and…

Alkaline Water

Alkaline Water — Cleansing Features Aside from helping eliminate gout and having antioxidant properties,, alkaline water can also help cleanse internal organs, especially the colon. This kind of water can easily eliminate fecal materials which can then decrease the risk of getting constipation and other unhealthy issues. Note: An unhealthy colon can eventually become poisonous…