For Brain Frog:
Brain fog can be cleared up with the help of a mixture of eucalyptus and basil essential oils. You can either vaporize these two in a vaporizer or put both in a compress.
For Colds:
As a form of anti-viral and a decongestant, eucalyptus essential oil helps treats colds and congestion. In her book Aromatherapy A – Z, author Patricia Davis recommends the use of eucalyptus oil in a steam inhaler to help open blocked nasal passages to help soothe inflammation and to help ward off bacteria.
For Flu:
As a form of antiviral and a decongestant, eucalyptus essential oil helps treats colds and congestion. In her book Aromatherapy A – Z, author Patricia Davis recommends the use of eucalyptus oil in a steam inhaler to help open the blocked nasal passages to help soothe inflammation and to help ward off bacteria.