Buah Merah
Buah mera has only been made available in the marketplace since 2005 (an extremely new product) and it can easily become the largest Medical Development of the Century. The biologist who discovered this fruit was Dr. Made Budi MSC, also a lecturer at Cendrawasih University (around year 2000, the first study for the fruit was first conducted
Dr. Budi noticed the communities in Wamena, Timika and also the villages within the vicinity of Jayawjava Mountains as well as their traditional habits. He noticed some of the locals were ingesting large amounts of the red fruit as foodstuff, as a worm medication or even as a form of treatment fro blindness illnesses and all sorts of skin type illnesses.
In addition, he also realized that the communities that he was watching were rarely impacted by degenerative illnesses like high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases or even cancers. Plus, they hardly ever experienced common colds or flu regardless of the cold weather. Throughout his investigation, Dr. Budo administered Buah Merah oil to 30 fowls who were contracted with an extremely dangerous virus. Out of the 30 fowls he examined, all of them survived and were fully restored.
According to his study and with these test results, he then started to deal with people with high cholesterol levels, rheumatic complications and also cancer, along with a mind-boggling success. Buah Mera was then finally given the go signal way back in 2005 and also the first patent for industrial sale production was also issued.
Buah Merah (Red Fruit) – AIDS
The effectiveness of red fruit has been shown to help prevent AIDS. The capability to cure AIDS is possible due to the tocopherol and the beta-carotene contained in red fruit (antioxidants and can enhance the defense mechanisms). In addition, tocopherol and beta-carotene can ultimately fuse together to collapse the amino acids needed for the virus that triggers AIDS, HIV to help impede the spread of the virus.
Buah Merah – Cancers and Tumors
Cancer is an illness brought about by the development of tissue cells. It may show itself in a number of tissues in some body organs in every body, from head to toe. Cancer on the surface of the body, may effortlessly be discovered and also handled. However, cancer from within the body may be a tough one to deal with, and they can sometimes show no symptoms at all.
Should signs start revealing themselves, they can sometimes come with a sophisticated phase that’s hard to deal with.
Cancer cells will certainly expand faster, they can be unmanageable, and can continue to multiply after it infiltrates nearby tissues (invasive). In addition, it’ll also continue to distribute over the connective tissue, blood and also strike essential organs and the spinal cord. Under normal situations, the cells will only breakdown when there’s replacing of cells that have died.
Instead, cancer cell will continue to multiply even when the body won’t need it, this buildup is then referred to as cancerous tumors. Stacking cells are immediate and they can also damage normal tissues; thus interfering with the organs they undertake.
Cancer isn’t a moderate illness. The first step for an effective cancer recognition management is to determine the symptoms that show up are genuinely dangerous cancer cells. This can be carried out simply with a biopsy, so therapy can be executed swiftly and accurately. The healing treatment is being done in a traditional manner. However, this way of cancer treatment usually can’t be resolved as a whole.
So, where does red fruit come in? The primary role of Buah Merah is the following:
- Boosting a person’s defense mechanisms
- Localizing the cancer cells to ensure that they won’t be distributed and are instead eliminated; since Buah Merah is non-toxic, this makes it safer for the affected person.
The tocopherol and the beta-carotene content would then interact as antioxidants and help enhance the defense mechanisms. As antioxidants: these substances may play a crucial role in preventing and suppressing reproducing more cancer cells. In addition, omega-3 fatty acids may also restore the damaged tissue, suitable for breast cancer sufferers.
Buah Merah – Stroke and High Blood Pressure
Stroke, A.K.A. hypertension, is a kind of heart complication that is brought about by the freezing and the thinning of the bloodstream. Another complication that can accompany stroke is high blood pressure. High blood pressure levels can lead to blood clots that narrow blood vessels, leading to a decrease in blood flow. Furthermore, the blood vessels can also break. If it’s not that deadly, it can cause hand or leg paralysis.
High blood pressure is usually caused by the heart pumping blood too fast. In addition, it can also result from a lack of oxygen or even the oxygen on the blood is simply too thick. In addition, the reasons why hypertension and high blood pressure occurs may be the following:
- Eating too much, leading to obesity
- Consumption of excessive alcohol
- Lack of exercise and too much cigarette smoking
Therefore, if you want to prevent both of these from happening, you need to have a sufficient supply of tocopherol which is present in Buah Merah. Tocopherol may weaken blood and also hasten the flow of blood for a normal oxygen circulation inside your body.
Buah Merah – Cardiovascular Disease
Without self-discipline like eating too much of your fill can lead to obesity, drinking too much alcohol, lack of exercise and smoking cigarettes are reasons why cardiovascular diseases like hypertension can happen and is usually accompanied by stroke and heart diseases. With the help of tocopherol in Buah Merah’s ability to restore normal and smooth blood circulation in the body, you can prevent these problems from happening.
Buah Merah – Uric Acid
Uric acid build-up, most of the time, can happen when kidneys don’t eliminate the substance efficiently. Things that can cause this slowing down in the removal of uric acid include being overweight, diabetic, taking diuretics and drinking too much alcohol. To help prevent uric acid, Buah Merah’s tocopherol content will help enhance your system to prevent over production of uric acid in the body.
Buah Merah – Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes)
Diabetes Mellitus, also known as just diabetes, is a number of metabolic illnesses in which a person has high levels of blood sugar, possibly because the body doesn’t produce enough insulin to keep normal blood glucose levels or even whenever cells don’t react properly to blood insulin.
To help manage your diabetes, you need to have proper weight management, diet and exercise. You can also try out the traditional treatment by using insulin injections as well. For the recovery process, it could be aided simply with buah merah oil due to it containing both vitamin E and tocopherol.
The tocopherol content in buah merah will enhance pancreatic functions that discharge insulin. To fully maximize the benefits of red fruit oil, a diabetes sufferer is advised to not consume foods that triggers diabetes; foods that usually contain carbohydrates and excessive sugars.
Buah Merah – Osteoporosis
Buah merah is also rich in calcium and has about 55,000mg for each 100 grams. It helps provide the bones with that much-needed calcium that will help prevent osteoporosis, that’s mainly brought about by a lack of calcium.
Buah Merah – Eye Disorders
The high beta-carotene content in buah merah can easily resolve many different kinds of eye illnesses brought about by a lack of vitamin A. In addition, beta-carotene is also soaked up and refined within the body into vitamin A.
Buah Merah – Increase Passion and Fertility
Red fruit, in accordance with the people who consume it, it may help enhance male sexual sexual arousal. The results of the therapy can be different depending on who tries it; however, there have been cases that red fruit works just after 15 minutes of consumption. On the other hand, there are others who showed results a few hours after consumption.
In addition, the vitamin E content found in red fruit also increases sperm manufacturing and it also contains higher energy, specifically 360 calories. Also, red fruit is believed t deal with gastric illnesses, hemorrhoids and even lung disorders.
Buah Merah – Improve Intelligence
The omega-3 and omega-6 content found in red fruit can easily promote brain functions and it can also improve cleverness. Plus, red fruit can also be consumed by kids for this reason alone.
Buah Merah (Red Fruit) – Hepatitis
Hepatits is a condition in which inflammation happens within the liver due to viruses, and it’s further divided into different types; hepatitis A, B and C. When not handled properly, hepatitis may develop into liver cancer (sorosis). The best cure for hepatitis is red fruit for it is overflowing with antioxidants that helps prevent the formation of cancer cells and it also helps in the rapid regeneration of liver cells.
Buah Merah (Red Fruit) – High Cholesterol
High cholesterol levels within the blood vessels, especially triglycerides and also HDL (high density lipoprotein), can result in calcification as well as thinning of blood vessels within the heart, brain and also in the kidneys. In addition, the trigger can be foods that contain too much saturated fatty acids.
To help you eliminate the problem at hand, consuming red fruit juice is recommended. Red fruit has the ability to counteract the cholesterol within the blood vessels.
Buah Merah (Red Fruit) – Lupus
Lupus is an autoimmune illness in which the body’s defense mechanisms are hyperactive and recognizes body tissues as a distant object. It helps make the defense mechanism determine between antigens and healthy tissues (guides the immune system to direct antibodies against the healthy tissue – not just the antigens – leading to inflammation, discomfort, and damaged tissues as well).
It usually results in signs and symptoms like swelling, inflammation, and injury to important joints, skin, kidneys, blood, the heart and also the lungs.Below the usual functionality, the immune system tends to make proteins, referred to as antibodies, to protect and ward off antigens (just like bacteria and viruses). The antibodies are found in a person’s body that acts to ward off the origin of the illness contained in the body. Lupus antibodies created within the body are quite extreme and the end result, these antibodies then assaults cells of the healthy body tissue (A.K.A. auto-immunity).
So, where does red fruit come into the picture? Here are some of its benefits:
- Improves the stamina of the sufferer
- Using red fruit as a form of lupus treatment can serve as an antioxidant
- Red fruit oil when ingested is likely to improve the defense mechanisms.
- Improves stamina and reverses illnesses.
So far, people who have ingested red fruit have shown positive results when it comes to dealing with lupus.
Buah Merah (Red Fruit) – Lung Cancer
Buah Merah has been known to be a cure for severe illnesses experienced by people, such as AIDS and even several kinds of cancers, this includes lung cancer. Lung cancer can be caused by bad habits like smoking and can be severe when not attended to right away. To help prevent the cancer from spreading, red fruit is the one of the best solutions you can turn to. The tocopherol content would help stop cancer cells from multiplying and prevents further development of future cancer cells.