For Alzheimer’s Disease:
Here are some stress management methods you can follow:
- Meditation
- Guided imagery (hypnotherapy)
- Deep breathing
- Massage
- Prayer
Remember, it’s not necessary that you lock into any one of these suggestions. Rather, it’s best to feel free to explore any or all of them to see which one works best for you. Simply start with one of these methods for a couple of minutes a day and you’ll immediately feel better brain function. Then, find the methods you tend to enjoy more and you’ll start experiencing an improved — less stressed — you!
Did you know that you are at a heightened risk of memory issues and even Alzheimer’s if you’re prone to psychological distress? New research proves that is sadly true.
Experts are starting to realize that daily stress, especially when it’s chronic and not alleviated, takes a huge toll on our collective health. Thus, you need to turn to the number of tranquilizers, antidepressants, high blood pressure medications and antacids being taken today. All these are used for illness made worse by stress – and they are some of the best selling drugs in Western countries.
When stressed, chemicals like adrenaline and cortisol can start flooding your body. These chemicals cause your heart to beat faster, and also cause that “triggered” feeling you experience when stressed.
Excess cortisol can damage your cells in the memory center of your brain. It stops glucose from entering brain cells. It blocks neurotransmitter function and causes brain cells to be injured. In addition, high cortisol levels also impact your ability to learn and retain new information (short-term memory loss). As stress and cortisol levels increase, so does your chance of developing memory loss.
In the worst-case scenario, as you age or if you develop an illness, you naturally have a decreased ability to handle stress and lower blood cortisol levels. This can ultimately lead to the death of your brain cells – a situation that can affect every region of your memory, as well as overall brain health.