The liver plays a crucial role in a lot of bodily functions from protein production and blood clotting to cholesterol, glucose (sugar) and iron metabolism.
A variety of illnesses can affect the liver, for instance:
- certain drugs such as excessive amounts of acetaminophen, and acetaminophen combination medications such as Vicodin, Norco and statins,
- cirrhosis
- alcohol abuse
- hepatitis A, B, C, D and E
- Epstein Barr virus (infectious mononucleosis)
- non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
- iron overload (hemochromatosis)
Some of the most common symptoms of liver diseases include:
- weakness and fatigue
- weight loss
- nausea
- vomiting
- yellow discoloration of the skin (A.K.A. jaundice)
The treatment of a particular liver disease depends on its specific cause.