Holistic Dentistry — Learning the Fundamentals

Holistic dentistry, also referred to as biological dentistry, takes into account a person’s entire state of physical and emotional health. Holistic dentists use natural therapies (sometimes in combination with conventional ones) to help prevent, diagnose and treat diseases in the mouth. How Did it Start Out? A lot of treatments for oral conditions and diseases…

What To Expect On Your Visit To The Dentist

According to the American Dental Association (ADA), one must visit a dentist on a regular basis. That is, every 6 months to be precise — at intervals determined by the dentist, of course. The ADA constantly reminds consumers that the frequency of their dental checkups should be customized by their dentists to help accommodate for…

3 Effective Methods To Help Maintain Tooth Health

In conventional dentistry, when a tooth’s structure is compromised by drilling (to repair a cavity), a cascading failure is started which will ultimately end with the death of the tooth. When a tooth that’s been drilled and filled with cracks, dentist would often recommend to their patients an even more expensive, toxic and potentially lethal…

Holistic Dentistry

A Balanced Diet Works WondersHolistic Dentistry It is a blog that is more about the traditional and natural approach to oral health, and how it can benefit your entire well-being. Holistic Dentistry is a style of caring takes a highly preventive approach and always prioritizes looking beyond the symptoms to find the root cause of your…